Signs and Symptoms

There is a stigma around depression and other mental health conditions, but in recent times the message that “it’s OK not be OK” is becoming more widely accepted.  The more we all talk about our mental health, the more we take away the taboo and it becomes easier to have conversations without a fear of being judged.  Sometimes we are our own harshest critics.

If left untreated, depression can feel debilitating and leave people with an overwhelming sense of hopelessness.  At worst, it can lead to thoughts of suicide and self-harm.  This is why it is so important to seek help as soon as you can. Make a call to a helpline/medical professional or talk to your family or friends and you will be taking the first step towards feeling better.

Signs and symptoms

The feelings that come with depression are many and varied.  You might experience some of the following:

  • feeling down, upset or tearful
  • restless, agitated or irritable
  • empty and numb
  • isolated and unable to relate to other people
  • finding no pleasure in life or things you usually enjoy
  • no self-confidence or self-esteem
  • hopeless and despairing
  • suicidal
  • avoiding social events and activities you usually enjoy
  • self-harming or suicidal behaviour
  • difficulty remembering or concentrating on things
  • using more tobacco, alcohol or other drugs than usual
  • difficulty sleeping, or sleeping too much
  • feeling tired all the time
  • no appetite and losing weight, or eating too much and gaining weight
  • physical aches and pains with no obvious physical cause