Anger can be caused by feeling threatened or attacked, frustrated or powerless. It can also happen due to feeling that we are being treated unfairly and people are not respecting our feelings. We might also experience anger in response to an unmet need. Sometimes anger is the result of unrealistic standards or expectations.
There are different types of anger including:
- Passive Aggressive - this is when someone does not want to admit that they are angry, because they don't like confrontation. This individual becomes silent when angry, sulking, procrastinating and pretending that ‘everything is fine'.
- Open Aggressive - this involves an individual becoming physically or verbally aggressive, such as fighting, shouting, bullying etc.
Signs and Symptoms
Anger can be expressed internally or externally, some of the signs and symptoms include:
- External:
Clenching your jaws or grinding your teeth, shouting, slamming doors, and throwing things. - Internal:
Headache, Stomach ache, shaking or trembling, rapid heart rate, sweating, dizzy spells. It can also lead to hating yourself, becoming depressed, isolating from the world and wanting to hurt yourself.
If you find that you are having outbursts that are affecting your relationships and quality of life, seek help.
- You can contact any of the services/supports in An Garda Síochána including:
Employee Assistance Service on 01 6660390 or employeeassistance@garda.ie
Peer Supporters – a full list of peer supporters is available on the portal
Inspire 24/7, 365 Telephone Helpline & Counselling Service
The service is free and you can call anytime 24/7, 365 days a year at 1800 817 433.
Fr. Joe Kennedy and Rev. David Pierpoint have their contact numbers listed on the Garda portal.
Further information and advice is available at:
- https://www2.hse.ie/wellbeing/mental-health/understanding-and-managing-anger.html
- https://mytherapist.ie/anger-management/
- Therapists for counselling: https://mindfullywell.ie/pt-services/anger-management/