


Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. Stress can affect everyone and can be caused by many day to day life occurrences, such as problems at work, high workloads, exams, family issues etc.  Often we feel stressed by things we cannot control or cannot change.

There are many causes of stress including:

  • Facing big changes
  • Being under pressure
  • A feeling of not being in control of a situation
  • Having overwhelming responsibilities
  • Exams
  • Problems at work
  • Relationships
  • A traumatic event
  • New responsibilities
  • Family issues

Signs and Symptoms

Signs and symptoms

Effects of stress on the body:

  • Increased heart rate
  • High blood pressure
  • Increased breathing rate

Stress can affect you emotionally, physically and mentally.

Emotionally - Stress can cause you to feel irritable, anxious, overwhelmed and lacking in self-esteem.

Physically – Stress might cause you to experience headaches and feelings of dizziness. Stress might also make you feel tired and can affect your sleeping. Muscle tension and pain can also be associated with stress.

If you are having any of these problems and symptoms, help is available.  Please read the advice section below.



We often feel most stressed by things we cannot control or change.  Our reactions and ability to cope in any given situation will depend on many things - including the severity of the issue, how we are feeling mentally and physically and how much support we feel we have. 

It is often said that we can control our reaction to the situation, and sometimes a shift in our perspective can help; but at other times we need to draw on enormous strength, willpower and support to deal with stress in our lives.

Whatever the situation, help is available - whether the stress is in your personal or professional life.

As an employee of AGS, you can contact the Inspire 24/7 Helpline at any time on 1800 817 433. The service is free and confidential. You do not need to be “in crisis” to use this service, you can speak to someone about any concern – big or small.

You can contact any of the services/supports in An Garda Síochána including:

Employee Assistance Service on 01 6660390 or employeeassistance@garda.ie

Peer Supporters – a full list of peer supporters is available on the portal or you can contact EAS for details of Peer Supporters in your area.


Fr. Joe Kennedy and Rev. David Pierpoint have their contact numbers listed on the portal.

 Additional information and support