Anxiety is a common feeling that most of us experience at some point. It can be a normal response to many stressful situations. Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear. Anxious feelings can cover a broad spectrum - ranging from mild concern about something to feeling completely debilitated and defeated.
There can be many triggers for anxiety in our everyday lives including for example, a problem at work, an upcoming exam, a break-up, health issues, financial concerns, stimulants including caffeine and certain medication.
Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms
- Feeling nervous, restless or tense
- Having a sense of danger and panic
- Catastrophic thinking
- Increased heart rate
- Breathing rapidly
- Sweating
- Trembling
- Irritable
- Having sleep problems
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms on a regular basis or in a way that affects your quality of life, please see the advice section and contact one of the support services in AGS. Or speak to your GP, family member or friend.
Just as the symptoms of anxiety are varied, so too are the support and treatment options.
- For urgent help call Pieta House on freephone 1800 247 247 or you can text HELP to 51444. The helpline is manned by qualified therapists.
- You can contact the Inspire 24/7 Helpline at any time on 1800 817 433. The service is free and confidential. You do not need to be “in crisis” to use this service, you can speak to someone about any concern – big or small. And about anything - personal or professional.
- Employee Assistance Service (EAS) on 01 6660390 or employeeassistance@garda.ie
- Peer Supporters – a full list of peer supporters is available on the portal or details for your area are available from EAS at the details above.
- Chaplains Fr. Joe Kennedy and Rev. David Pierpoint have their contact numbers listed on the portal.
Additional services for support and information:
- - Aware - Aware.ie
- - Anxiety Ireland - Anxiety Ireland.ie
- - Grow Mental Health -
Some self-help techniques include:
- Meditation: Engaging in meditation can reduce symptoms. Meditation involves training in awareness of our thoughts and feelings. There are many useful sources for meditation online. A ten to fifteen minute meditation during the day can be very beneficial. There are a nine popular types of meditation including: Mindfulness, Spiritual, Focused, Movement, Mantra, Transcendental, Visualisation, Loving-Kindness and Progressive Relaxation.
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) – is a type of talking treatment for anxiety and teaches you coping skills for dealing with different problems. CBT Therapists teach an individual how to interrupt and change thought patterns and behaviours which are problematic. The aim is to help you deal with problems that you face in a more positive way. It is based on the idea that the way you think results in certain actions and behaviour.