If you are in distress and struggling with suicidal thoughts, please do not think you are weak or selfish. The most important thing you can do when you are in crisis is to speak to someone. That can be a stranger or someone you know. It is important that you know that you do not have to carry your hurt, physical or mental pain alone. Suicide is not the solution to your situation, no matter how dire you think it is.
You may be feeling afraid, unsure and alone, but help is waiting. Please contact someone now – a friend or family member or a 24/7 helpline such as Pieta House on freephone 1800 247 247 or you can text HELP to 51444.
If someone you know is feeling suicidal and/or self-harming, supports are also available to help you to help them. These can be difficult conversations, but there are trained, experienced people available to support you. Let the person know you care about them and that you want to help. Do not feel that you need to have all the answers and resolve the situation. Experts can signpost the pathways to help and guide you through the process. You can contact Pieta House for advice or support at any time, day or night.
Signs and Symptoms
The following are things to listen out for and look for in yourself or someone you are concerned about:
- Talking or writing about hurting themselves, dying or saying that they want to die
- Talking about ways to die or having a suicide plan
- Saying that they are ‘trapped’ or have no options in their life
- Saying they have no purpose in their lives, that they feel hopeless
- Engaging in self-harm or reckless, risk taking behaviour
- Giving items away or saying goodbye to people
- Becoming more inward looking and withdrawing from family and friends
- Changes in their sleep patterns – too much or too little sleep
- Extreme emotions or dramatic changes in mood
- Increasing their use of drugs or alcohol
Seek help
24/7 Support
For urgent help call Pieta House on freephone1800 247 247 or you can text HELP to 51444. The helpline is manned by qualified therapists.
As an employee of AGS, you can contact the Inspire 24/7 Helpline at any time on 1800 817 433. The service is free and confidential. You do not need to be “in crisis” to use this service, you can speak to someone about any concern – big or small.
The Samaritans – 116 123
Other Services and Supports
Aware – 1800 80 48 48 - Mon-Sun 10am to 10pm aware.ie
You can contact any of the services/supports in An Garda Síochána including:
Employee Assistance Service on 01 6660390 or employeeassistance@garda.ie
Peer Supporters – a full list of peer supporters is available on the portal or you can contact EAS to get details of Peer Supporters in your area.
Fr. Joe Kennedy and Rev. David Pierpoint have their contact numbers listed on the portal.
Some ways you can care for yourself when you are feeling low:
- Create your own support network. Spend time in the company of people you enjoy being around – family, friends and colleagues
- Avoid alcohol and drugs
- Pay attention to your sleep patterns and try to establish a good sleep routine
- Eat well so that you have enough energy to sustain and nourish you.