
July 2024



“Summertime, and the living is easy” is the opening line to the famous Ella Fitzgerald song, but this month’s article asks; is summertime experienced as easy these days?

Working in a high intensity career like in An Garda Síochána, often leaves our nervous system elevated, this can leave us feeling agitated, hyper vigilant, angry, nervous or feeling drained. In order to protect our heath & wellbeing we must find ways of balancing and regulating our nervous system so it isn’t stuck on high or low.

July is the perfect month to be both busy in social circles and to slow down and be present in the full bloom of summer; as the poem goes - “What is this life if full of care, if we have no time to stand and stare” William Henry Davies. July is the height of our summer. Time is going by – with or without you. Don’t let thoughts, or your fear based behaviours hold you back. Let go of your attachment to what scares you. Free yourself to the last of the season.

 When we practice thinking of the good we have in our lives, rather than being focused on what’s wrong, then we create space in our minds to realise that we have a lot to be grateful for. When we appreciate our health and our body (instead of constantly criticising it), we realise how privileged we are if we have good health.


Meditation exercise:

  • Close your eyes in a quiet space, take a few long, slow, deep breaths - Imagine yourself 20 years’ time from now
  • Imagine how you would probably give everything you have, in order to have the health that you now possess.
  • now feel free to reflect on below prompts 
  1. So how can you respect your body more this summer? 
  2. Who can you connect with that is good for you. 
  3. What does your ideal summer activity look like?


Stress in the workplace can leave us feeling stuck in our day to day. Our organisation is in the wave of change towards supporting our health & wellbeing. AGS is a big ship, on a slow but important cultural turn. Over 1000 personnel have been trained in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) this year so far. This is a huge accomplishment by all who partook in the 2-day course’s so far. As part of the AGS Health & Wellbeing Strategy (2021 – 2025) all personnel are being invited to partake in the ongoing training in partnership with Mental Health First Aid Ireland. Contact your Divisional office for enquiries. 

We must also take personal responsibility of our own health, and take it in whatever small ways we can, and take it today. If not you, who? If not now, when? If you are feeling stuck, remember to have fun. Many of us feel overwhelmed by the busyness of work and family responsibly. We must remember to make time for ourselves, that is the natural holiday mood of July. Playfulness stops for a lot of people when the burden of responsibility kicks in.

Too much seriousness leads to inflammation and disease. Fun and playfulness help prevent disease, slow aging and protect us from burnout. Build your boundaries around your time, and protect your time so you add play to your life e.g. in your exercise routine, with your family, on vacation etc.


“Don’t let the pursuit of success rob you of the precious moments with loved ones. Embrace playfulness, happiness is found in everyday, simple moments.

Create life on your own terms” Gabor Mate


Yoga is a scientifically proven way to ease the body, the nervous system, reduce inflammation, slow down your breath, release trauma of policing and clarify your thinking.

Below is a link to a HSE free series of 30min yoga sessions for beginners that can be incorporated into a busy schedule.

Suitable for beginners, these exercises will improve your strength and flexibility.


If the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.


Inspire 24/7, 365 Telephone Helpline & Counselling Service     

The service is free and you can call anytime 24/7, 365 days a year at 1800 817 433

This service is free and confidential for both Garda personnel and you can avail of it 24hrs a day, 365 days a year. The service can be used for workplace difficulties and/or personal issues.